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A Guide to Managing Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace


Musculoskeletal disorders are a major cause of work-related ill health. Yet in many cases, they are preventable. In this article, we’ll explore the resources available, including the newly introduced HSE Body Mapping Tool, which is a simple way to help workers report any aches or pains in their backs, joints or muscles that are caused by their work.

Musculoskeletal disorders are a major cause of work-related ill health. Yet in many cases, they are preventable.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) provides a variety of tools and advice to help employers assess and control the risks associated with typical workplace activities, such as manual handling.

In this article, we'll explore the resources available, including the newly introduced HSE Body Mapping Tool, which is a simple way to help workers report any aches or pains in their backs, joints or muscles that are caused by their work.

What are musculoskeletal disorders?

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are disorders that affect muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, joints and other soft tissues. They are often caused by the cumulative effects of physical work.

The parts of the body most likely to be affected by MSDs are the lower back, forearms, wrists and hands, the neck, the hips, the legs, the knees and the ankles and feet.

Examples of MSDs include muscle strain, lower back injuries, rotator cuff injuries, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger and epicondylitis. It is possible to suffer from more than one MSD at any given time.

There are a number of causes of MSDs, the most common being:

  • Bending, crouching or stooping
  • Heavy lifting
  • Pushing, pulling or dragging heavy loads
  • Stretching, twisting and reaching
  • Repetitive work
  • Sustained or excessive force
  • Work with display screen equipment (DSE)
  • Working with hand-held power tools for long periods
  • Driving heavy vehicles, long-distance driving or driving over rough ground

A poor working environment, or workplace stress, can also contribute to the risk of developing MSDs. Employees with a recent or existing injury or health condition may be more vulnerable.


Why is it important to manage MSD risks in the workplace?

Employers are duty bound to manage the risks of MSDs in the workplace. If such risks exist, it is necessary to consider both the requirements for a general risk assessment, as well as specific assessments of other risks, such as those arising from manual handling, repetitive work, awkward posture, or exposure to vibration.

There are various laws relating to MSDs, and certain industries may have their own specific regulations, such as construction, health and social care, and transport and logistics.

But aside from regulatory compliance and a moral duty of care, employers should also consider the potential losses that can be avoided by managing MSDs.

In 2023/24, MSDs accounted for almost a third of all reported work-related health issues, with an estimated 543,000 workers affected. Financial losses due to sickness absence are a major issue that can potentially be avoided by managing MSD risks, but in addition, a healthier workforce can improve overall business efficiency and quality of output.


How to manage MSD risks in the workplace

Reducing the risks of MSDs should begin with identifying the tasks that could cause them.

HSE recommends involving employees in this process, as they are the ones who understand the day-to-day challenges of their roles and often have valuable insights into how to improve safety and prevent injury.

When employees are consulted about how to improve health and safety, they're more likely to engage with and adhere to new procedures, especially those they've helped design.

It is also important to make sure employees are also aware of how to report any injuries or work-related health problems to you or their health and safety representative. Encouraging them to do so at an early stage is the key to preventing further injury and ensuring the right action is taken.

Body mapping is an effective way to facilitate this process, providing a clear, visual representation of where discomfort is occurring and helping both employees and employers identify potential hazards early on.

To assist with this process, HSE has created the Body Mapping Tool which you can download for free in exchange for your name and email address.


What is the Body Mapping Tool?

The HSE Body Mapping Tool is designed to help workers report musculoskeletal discomfort (aches or pains) caused or aggravated by their work.

The tool helps identify potential risks in the workplace and prevents minor discomfort from becoming chronic, reducing medical treatment, long-term discomfort, and sickness absences.

Why use Body Mapping?

Body mapping can:
  • Encourage workers to think about health and safety and identify potential issues early
  • Detect ergonomic or manual-handling problems that formal methods may miss
  • Identify if existing risk controls are effective
  • Foster an open and honest workplace culture
  • Improve productivity and reduce absenteeism by addressing MSDs early
  • Help employers comply with health and safety regulations
  • Provide a platform for workers to report issues confidentially, leading to safer working practices
How to use Body Mapping?

 Prepare the setting:

  • Use coloured pens or sticky notes for workers to mark body parts where they experience pain or discomfort.
  • Organise group discussions (ideally with no more than 20 workers) in a suitable space to talk about symptoms and potential solutions.
  • Offer the option for employees to complete body charts anonymously if preferred.
Facilitate group discussion: 
  • Display a large body map on a wall or flip chart.
  • Use different colours for different types of pain (e.g., red for recurring discomfort, blue for one-off injuries).
  • Encourage workers to be specific about where and how they experience pain and to suggest potential causes or solutions.

 Encourage productive dialogue: 

  • Ask questions like: "Do certain tasks or working conditions make your pain worse?" or "Has your pain progressively worsened over time?"
  • Look for patterns or common pain points to identify areas that need improvement.

How to record and use your Body Mapping results 
  • Document findings: Record all pain points and suggested solutions. Compare these findings across the organisation to spot trends.
  • Analyse and act: Use this data in health and safety meetings to explore and implement potential solutions. Revisit the body mapping process periodically to evaluate the effectiveness of changes made.
  • Adjust risk assessments: If needed, revise current risk assessments based on the findings. 

While body mapping is an important tool for identifying risk areas, it should complement, rather than replace, formal risk assessments.

After using body mapping to identify potential MSD risks, employers should turn to HSE's MSD risk assessment tools to help simplify the risk assessment process.

There are three core tools to deal with specific types of risks:

  1. Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC) Tool
  2. Risk Assessment of Pushing and Pulling (RAPP) tool
  3. Assessment of Repetitive Tasks (ART) tool

These tools help ensure that all risk factors are evaluated and addressed using a structured approach.

In summary

Managing musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace is an essential part of ensuring the health and safety of your workforce.

By integrating tools like the Body Mapping Tool into your existing health and safety practices, and by encouraging open communication with your employees, you can proactively identify and mitigate risks before they result in more serious injuries or illnesses.

The combination of employee involvement, early detection, and ongoing risk assessment should help you build a safer, more efficient workplace.

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